Rhythms of Life
Now I sit in comfort
Passing alone my time
Writing down my memories
For no one's eyes but mine.
As darkness hides the day
In midnight blue design
Flashing before me now
Are rhythms of life gone by.
Once when I was young
The passion of love did lure
Becoming a need in me
Without finding any cure.
I found lust in my veins
Each with a lesson in the end
The truth be known today
I wouldn't want that life again.
While a foolish woman living for love
Dreaming of coupled bliss
Time did its dance upon my body
Leaving me lonely and amiss.
My eyes are clearer now
After many midnight rains
Patience now belongs to me
Yet love still flows through my veins.
Life burns and life churns
As it passes so quickly by 
I am content writing down my story
Just being happy that I'm alive.
Once when I was young
As life passed me by
No woman could have loved
More stronger than did I.

Poem by Carol Barton
Copyright 2005 ~ Carol Barton

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