A Smile In My Heart


With a smile in my heart today

I feel spirited and beautiful inside

Placed there by my new-found friend

From whom I have nothing to hide.


With him I am free to be me

Without putting on any airs;

Disclosing whatever I may feel

With a compassionate one who cares.


I know not where it might lead

From the comfortable moments I spend

With someone whom I can be myself

Enjoying my tender new-found friend.


Our chance meeting puzzles us yet

As if destiny played a part

Sending me a compassionate friend

Who has touched my sensitive heart.


As if guided by some unknown force

Perhaps he can tear down the wall

Enabling me to trust and believe

In dreams my memory can recall.


Copyrighted 2004 by Carol Barton

Graphics © http://www.moonandbackgraphics.com

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