Faceless Blonde
I'll never forget the day she called
To tell me of her heartache and cry
Saying that the man she loved
Gave us something in common - her and I.
She called me over and over again
telling me things I didn't want to hear
About her time spent with the man
Who was the husband I held so dear.
Even though we remain together
Trying to weather the storm
For the sake of our lives and our children
His time spent with her did its harm.
Though she and I never met
She invades the thoughts that were mine.
She has become a stranger in my home
I cannot erase with time.
Though many years have passed by
When her thoughts should be faded and dead
The faceless blonde still haunts me yet
When I make love to the man I had wed.
How much longer can I endure
Living with distrust and pain?
Even though we may live as man and wife
Our lives will never be the same.
Poem by Carol Barton
Copyright 2002 ~ Carol Barton
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