Love of Child
A mother's love for her child
Is something that cannot be explained.
From the first moment I saw you
My life was completely changed.
As I held you tenderly in my arms
Gazing upon your tiny face,
I felt a bond of love so strong 
With memories to forever embrace.
I saw your first smile and heard your first word.
I helped you to learn colors and the alphabet.
I witnessed your first faltering steps.
And, on your first day of school, I wept.
Every night I said prayers with you
Until you learned them on your own.
I would lay beside you in your little bed
As you drifted off to your sleep zone.
I never tired of watching you in school sports.
I was so proud .. hey, you were my kid!
I watched your trials and tribulations
Supporting you through all that you did.
All the memories are mine to keep
Now that you are grown.
I will forever cherish them in my heart
As the greatest love I have known. 
My love for you is unconditional.
It is forever constant and true.
As long as there is a breath in me,
I will always be here for you.
For my sons, Kyle and Corey 
"My beautiful rainbows in life "
Poem by Carol Barton
Copyright 2005 ~ Carol Barton
Original midi from Tam Music
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