A Special Father
From the moment of his birth
He certainly played his part
Taking over weekend feedings
Right from the very start.
He has changed more diapers
Than any father I have known.
At night he rocked his son to sleep
As a ritual with nary a groan.
Many fathers go to work
And come home and relax.
This father takes over the care
And takes up some of the slack.
Now that his son is a little older
He takes him on weekend walks
To zoos, lakes and special places
So they have time together and talk.
As his son travels the road of life
He will hold close the memories there
His journey will be easier
Because of things they often shared.
Their bond will forever remain.
He is a father who compares to none.
I am proud of the man he has become
Happy Father's Day, my son.
Copyright 2006 ~ Carol Barton

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